We have 6 exciting all NEW programs starting in the fall! Can you believe it... 6!
Check out the details below: Kindie Choir - Ages 4-6 Saturday 10:00-10:45 Kindie Choir is a fun, glee club type class with a little basic music theory tossed in for good measure. The children will be singing the songs that they love in a group setting that encourages learning through play and self-expression! Ukulele - Ages 6-11 Ukulele 1 (Ages 6-8) Saturday 10:45-11:30 Ukulele 2 (Ages 9-11) Saturday 11:30-12:15 The ukulele is the perfect instrument for young people to start with. The size makes it easy for the children to make music right away, feel successful, be part of a group musical experience and have an instrument that can accompany themselves while they are singing wherever they go. In the group class, we will focus on playing and singing as well as basic music theory. Creative Dance - Ages 4-5 Saturday 10:45-11:25 The Creative Dance class for 4 and 5 year olds will expand on music and movement concepts such as level, tempo, energy, and form while introducing some structure in the form of line, pathway and shape. Through imagination and improvisation children will have an opportunity to begin their own choreography with the music and movement vocabulary introduced in class. Glee Choir - Ages 9-18 Saturday 3:00-3:45* This is a new time Join the team and learn song and choreography in popular genres! Glee Club is a fun way to learn songs accompanied by dance routines in a supportive and nurturing community. Club members will learn how to properly sing and move at the same time while working on their performance skills and teamwork abilities. Private Piano & Guitar - Ages 6+ 30 Minute Sessions Piano on Monday and Tuesday Evenings, Guitar on Monday Learning music is akin to learning a new language; being able to understand what you hear, being able to communicate and express yourself, being able to read someone else’s notated ideas, and being able to write down your own ideas. We will incorporate these four elements into piano lessons: listening, improvisation, reading, and composition. We will prepare students for RCM piano and theory examinations or to work through freely chosen repertoire as decided in consultation with the students and parents. We hope to collaborate with the dance teachers and dancers to give students the experience of accompanying dancers in the studio and in performances. Intermediate & Advanced Choreography Class - Ages 11-18 Intermediate - Friday 6:30-7:45 Advanced - Friday 4:30-6:15 You’ve been learning the technique in your classes, now is your chance to learn how to put it all together to create meaningful choreography. This new class will work on building performance and choreographic skills and the important ability to learn intricate choreography, at a fast pace. Invaluable for high school and university dance programs and a great opportunity to take the skills you have already been learning to the next level! Choreography will be learned in various dance disciplines making it important to have a solid foundation in Ballet, Jazz and one other form of dance. This class will perform at Recital and additional performance opportunities will be considered throughout the year. Pre-Requisites: Ballet, Jazz + Third class p/week
Wow! We have finally reached May 1st. April was a chaotic time filled with planning for next year and we are so thrilled to be able to share it all with you! It is all detailed in your registration packages but...
Starting in September we will have private Piano classes, Group Ukulele classes, Choreography classes, Creative Dance for 4-6 year olds, character skirt rental program and more! We will share more details with you in this blog over the summer along with informative articles about dance and childhood development and studio happenings. Make sure to follow us to not miss a thing! |
February 2025